Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Kerbal Space Program

Sanevin here again, everyone, and I've got an awesome game for everyone to play.

Introducing: Kerbal Space Program!

It's free to play, though currently in development. The basic premise is for the player to manage their own space program and see how far they can make it into space. And now, I'm off to play it some more. Enjoy!



  2. Looks fun, it's only available for Windows though. ; __ ;
    I know, I know: Macs aren't a gaming platform, I could use Boot Camp, yada yada...
    I don't care, in fact: I consider this a good thing as it makes it least tempting to download it and take what like room on my computer I have.

  3. PerrinAybara5647/15/2011 12:39:00 PM

    Just a quick note on my most recent flight: 1232616 M was my highest altitude, 2702.1 M/s was my highest speed, and I traveled 2485428 M. also, it took 50 minutes round trip.

  4. PerrinAybara5647/15/2011 05:05:00 PM

    finished another round, finally. it took roughly 4 hours, reached 4,662,476 M, 3,128.7 M/s, covered 9,323,702 M distance, and endured 87.9G's

  5. I attempted to build a rocket as tall as possible entirely out of solid state boosters. For science, you know. It fell over on the launchpad and exploded before I could initiate the launch...
