Saturday, July 2, 2011


Hey everybody, Sanevin here. Thought I'd bring your attention to an interesting video/game mechanic I found:

Something like this could have fascinating implications in a puzzle game, especially something already potentially mind-boggling such as Valve's Portal series. Imagine using both this and portals to try to accomplish a puzzle. Especially with the bits that are showcased near the end, with the moving parts and the rolling ball. Absolutely mind-breakingly awesome.


  1. Excellent. It would be hard to get players to figure out the rolling ball part on their own though... I know I would never have thought of it. The idea of this with portals is making my brain hurt :P

  2. I imagine they would definitely want to include a series of "tutorial" levels to familiarize players with the more common uses of the Torsion mechanic. And of course it makes your brain hurt. Hence the mind-breaking =)

  3. I would never combine this with Portal, at least until we had some seriously powerful computers. ValvE has enough trouble getting infinite loops to render properly without destroying your C/GPU. Create an infinite loop, then bend space around that loop? Instant computational chaos.

    On a related note, there was a 2D game that used some of the same mechanics... It starred a purple robot that could pull space together as long as there was special objects to do it with... I can't remember the name of the game XD

  4. Found it! It's called Fault Line!
