Saturday, July 23, 2011

Win with Science, Culture, or Napalm

In case you're wondering, yes, I did shamelessly take that line from a BrentalFloss song (and if you're not familiar with it, you can listen here). So I was looking around Steam today, and I noticed that their weekend deal is 66% off Civilization 5 (viewable here), which is quite a sale considering it still normally sits at a $50 price tag. In honor of this event, I've decided to write a review for the latest installment in Sid Meier's popular turn-based strategy series.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Family Guy MMO: Freakin' Sweet?

Fox has recently announced a Family Guy MMO set to launch later this year. Being the fan that I am, I had to check it out. It's free-to-play and browser based, so if you love Family Guy like me, or just want another reason to dog on 'em, you should check it out

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Social Link Go!

Hello all! Blue Ranger Kisa here to talk about a particular game mechanic that I, personally, thoroughly enjoy and can see much possibility in. Being someone who plays a lot of RPG video games and visual novel type games, I’m a huge geek for character depth, design, and development (try saying that ten times fast), so any opportunity to learn about the characters in the game is a good opportunity. The Shin Megami Tensei: Persona series, particularly 3 and 4, introduces the concept of Social Links, allowing the player to choose how much they can learn about certain characters and gauging the strength of those bonds.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

The Haunted Ruins

Hey everybody, I have a fun way for you to waste a couple hours. I recently came upon a free browser game called:

The Haunted Ruins

In this game you are on a quest to save a town from the monsters that have recently appeared in - can you guess? - some old abandoned ruins. In order to do so, you must enter the ruins with your trusty sword and shield and fight the good fight, with the monsters becoming tougher as you traverse to deeper levels.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Kerbal Space Program

Sanevin here again, everyone, and I've got an awesome game for everyone to play.

Introducing: Kerbal Space Program!

It's free to play, though currently in development. The basic premise is for the player to manage their own space program and see how far they can make it into space. And now, I'm off to play it some more. Enjoy!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Pre-owned Controversy

I've been hearing a lot of debate over a few gaming headlines lately, so I thought I'd share and see what everyone thinks.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Nintendo takes a Dual-Screen Approach...Again

I have another E3 related post for everybody, and this time Nintendo is in the spotlight. As many of you may know by now, Nintendo is launching a "new" console, the Wii U. Now, in the hype leading up to their press conference, I was expecting an entirely new console with a new look, new hardware, everything you would expect. So great was my surprise when the innovation I was presented with was a small, hand-held television.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Missed Possibilities - PS3 Remote Play

Now, believe it or not, this last Saturday, I got to mess with a PS3 for the first time. As an avid PSP player, I’ve always been curious about the “Remote Play” function that would connect the two systems. So I investigated.

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Hey everybody, Sanevin here. Thought I'd bring your attention to an interesting video/game mechanic I found:

Something like this could have fascinating implications in a puzzle game, especially something already potentially mind-boggling such as Valve's Portal series. Imagine using both this and portals to try to accomplish a puzzle. Especially with the bits that are showcased near the end, with the moving parts and the rolling ball. Absolutely mind-breakingly awesome.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Summer Sale Frustration

So I was on steam today and I noticed that part of their "summer camp" sale is a package that includes The Sims 3, all the stuff packs, and all the gameplay expansions for exactly $10 more than I originally paid for the base game.

Some Enthusiasm for Kinect

I was watching E3 a few weeks ago and I was impressed by the functionality I saw for the X-Box Kinect. I've been hesitant about the Kinect and it's motion sensing capabilities in the past, not to mention there weren't many games for it I wanted to play, but I liked what I saw during the Microsoft press conference.

Introductions are in Order

Hey everybody. I'm Arcthos, and welcome to The Players' Consortium! We're here to blog about a subject near and dear to many of you: videogames! Look for any comments by me in this golden Trebuchet font.

Hello internet. I am Kisa and I will be the blue courier-styled artsy ranger for this blog. Please join us for geek rants on video games and things related to video games and feel free to constructively critcize us as we learn about the wonderful world of blogging.

Hey! I'm beruset and I have no idea what I'm doing! Keep that in mind when you see green verdana. Hopefully I'll get this all sorted out and bring you the very best in amateur blogging.

Heyo, I'm Sanevin, and I'll be messin around with the colors until I find something that clicks with the background. I intend to talk mostly about free-to-play and indie games, possibly covering some of the technical side of things as well.

Edit: Looks like the white works like I thought it would, excellent.